2021 Wellness Travel Trends

1. Long-term breaks 2. Immunity Booster Vacations 3. Stress and Anxiety Relief Holidays 4. Nature Escapes 5. Fitness and Weight Loss Holidays 6. Family-Friendly Wellness Breaks 7. Bio-Hacking Vacations 8. Sustainable Travel and Eco-Tourism 9. Digital Detox Holidays 10. Vegan Friendly Vacations

Source: Medical Travel Market

“How the wellness industry is taking over travel”

  • Global Wellness Institute reports that Global Wellness Tourism has grown at approximately 6.5% annually – over double the growth of tourism overall. This growth has accelerated in the wake of the pandemic
  • By 2022, GWI had predicted that the Wellness Tourism market would reach a whopping $919bn (representing 18% of all global tourism). This prediction will almost definitely be lower than the actual global expansion of this sector based on recent trends and COVID-19.


Source: Global Wellness Institute, Build Well to Live Well: Wellness Lifestyle Real Estate and Communities, January 2018.