ROOTS Design Infrastructure & Amenities


  • Variety of home styles/sizes/ prices to encourage social diversity 
  • Emphasis on sustainable, small footprint housing and miximized outdoor space and amenities
  • Affordability of rental rates 
  • Open floor plans promoting circulation & flow
  • Flexible & adaptable home layouts & design 
  • Street-facing porches, balconies, bay windows, & outdoor living spaces 
  • Thoughtful scale & situation of homes relative to others, e.g., density, heights, setbacks, garage/doorway positioning, etc. 
  • High-quality, authentic, local, long-lasting materials
  • Design to meet specific population group needs (disabled, elderly) 
  • Multigenerational units (in-law suites, granny flats)
  • Live-work units in community
  • Pet-friendly design & amenities

Aesthetics and Function

  • Numinous aesthetic designs & architectural elements 
  • Biomorphic design in forms, materials, finishes 
  • Unique sense of place and character 
  • Mood-enhancing colors 
  • Non-visual natural elements (sound, smells, etc.) 
  • Beauty/aesthetic design elements 
  • Authentic/culturally rooted design elements 
  • Indoor plants & greenery 
  • Food growing/ gardening space (indoors or out) 
  • Community gardening area
  • Mixed use planning & design (residential/ retail/ commercial) 
  • Attractive/open common areas, hallways, & public/social spaces 
  • Open/accessible & attractive stairways
  • “Hidden” elevators 
  • Outdoor exercise areas, equipment and spaces

Complete streets 

  • Walkability/pedestrian/bike-friendly design 
  • Disabled-friendly design 
  • Security/safety features (e.g., crosswalks, traffic calming elements, streetlights, etc.) 
  • Limited parking designed to encourage active/non-driving modes of transport 
  • Tree-lined streets 
  • Connectivity/flow/ walkability of street design (e.g., grids over cul-de-sacs) 
  • Benches along sidewalks/pathways 
  • Alternative transport amenities (eV charging, bike parking/ lanes) 


  • “Town center” with retail, services, etc. in walking distance 
  • Services/amenities/ jobs/ schools in walking distance 
  • Schools within community
  • Connectivity with nearby communities 
  • Job opportunities available within community
  • Social Club provides co-working elements and amenities

Natural Elements

  • Native/edible plant landscaping
  • Educational elements, pedestals, tags and plaques 
  • Accessible bodies of water and nature (lake, river, forest) 
  • Community gardens
  • Ample/accessible green space and open space 
  • Water views/features in design 
  • Tree canopy 
  • Wildlife habitats/ biodiversity protection 


  • Dark sky lighting 
  • Solar, geo-thermal, wind-power systems 
  • Open space, conservation areas, & greenways
  • Sustainable/energy-reducing materials & design 
  • Water reclamation, constructed wetlands, living roofs, etc.
  • Composting and recycling facilities 
  • Alternative transport amenities (EV charging, bike storage) 
  • Energy-reducing/saving technology & design
  • Environmental health monitoring systems
  • Healthy/nontoxic natural building materials 
  • Air quality and fresh air/circulation/ventilation
  • Astute soundproofing and noise control
  • Healthy lighting (natural daylight, circadian)
  • Pristine water quality 
  • Extensive indoor plants & greenery 
  • Rain gardens 
  • Rainwater collection tank/barrels 
  • Backyard wildlife habitats 
  • Native/edible plant landscaping 
  • Backyard gardening space
  • Community non-smoking policy 
  • Environmental education/ awareness programs
  • Homes built into hillsides for thermal gain 

Wellness and Movement

  • Wellness facilities e.g., clinic, mind/body studios, meditation areas, etc. 
  • Walking/running/ hiking/biking trails & pathways (off-street) 
  • Aquatics facility featuring saltwater pools in natural setting inc, indoor/outdoor
  • Outdoor recreation facilities inc. sports fields, courts including tennis, pickleball, basketball etc,
  • Water sports inc. paddling, SUP, sailing etc. 
  • Parks,  playgrounds, pocket parks, gardens and parklets 
  • Meditation spaces, quiet areas, relaxation and retreat spaces immersed in nature 

Whole Foods Focus

  • Healthy whole food grocer, farmer’s market, community-supported agriculture (CsA) 
  • Organic farm  with shop within community (or walkable distance) 
  • Healthy café and restaurant options
  • Community garden space  

Community Facilities and Activities

  • Social club with co-working space, meeting and gathering spaces 
  • Continuing care facility on property
  • Public plazas
  • Community cooking/eating areas inc. shared outdoor BBQs, picnic areas, etc. 
  • Pet parks & amenities 
  • Recreation equipment sharing & rentals (e.g., bike share, scooters, etc.)
  • Community/social events & activities (e.g., festivals, book clubs, etc.) 
  • Artist’s Colony, galleries plus public art installations and displays
  • Community intranet/online platforms 
  • Car share, ride share, carpooling and bike share programs

Infrastructure and tech

  • Underground power
  • Solar on residences and community structures
  • Solar farm and Wind Farm
  • Biomass boiler for community hot water
  • Smart home technology to manage energy and improve quality of life
  • Shielded cables and conscious effort to reduce EMF in all areas of the community
  • Ultra-High-speed Internet connectivity